Stock Up on Back to School Supplies
There is no doubt that going back to school will look very different this fall. Whether your children are going back into the classroom or learning from home (or a combination of the two), you are going to need to stock up on back to school supplies.
Either way, you are likely going to need to buy extra supplies this year. If your kids do go back in the classroom, sharing of supplies will be discouraged. Sending extra supplies will ensure that your kiddos will always have what they need.
If you are participating in remote or distance learning, you will need to have these supplies on hand at home. And let me say, children go through a ton of school supplies!
It’s best to start early when getting back to school supplies. For one, you will make sure that you get the best supplies and not supplies that have been picked over. Most importantly, you will save a ton of money by buying school supplies early. The closer you get to the school year, the more you will pay.
Luckily, you don’t even need to leave your home to stock on school supplies. Amazon has amazing prices on school supplies that can be delivered right to your door in a couple of days. Use this link to get a free 30-day Amazon Prime trial!
Stock Up on Back to School Supplies!
Pre-Sharpened Pencils
How many pencils you feel your child needs, double it. Purchasing this box of pre-sharpened #2 pencils will help ensure that your little student always has the supplies that they need.
These particular pencils are not only super affordable but high quality. They are on par with more expensive pencils but much cheaper!
Elmer’s Glue Sticks- 30 Pack
If you have older children, you may not need to send a crapload of glue to school, but if you have grade school students be prepared to send in A TON of glue sticks.
Glue sticks are typically something that is shared, so you will likely need to send in more than you normally do to ensure that your child’s class has enough.
Even at home, we use glue sticks like crazy. My kids don’t even like crafts and I swear we go through a glue stick or two a week.

Another thing that kids will need a lot of this year, crayons. Typically crayons are communal in the classroom, which is not going to work out this year. Crayons should be on every list to stock up on back to school lists.
Hand Sanitizer
The verdict is still out on who is going to be supplying all of the personal protective equipment and cleaning/sanitizing gear. Suffice it to say that parents and educators will need to contribute, ensuring that the classroom is safe and clean.
You can grab hand sanitizer in stores now, however, quantities are still limited. I try to pick some up here and there so I have a hearty supply to donate once the school year starts.
Dry Erase Markers
Ask any teacher and dry erase markers are always in need. Amazon Basics has some very affordable dry erase markers to stock up on for back to school.
These are also very handy to have around the house. You can use a plastic
Writing Essentials Kit
This writing essentials kit has 37 different items to help you easily stock up on back to school items. They have a lot of the essentials to send into the classroom or stock up your home learning space.
I love notebooks, always have and always will. The possibilities of a fresh new notebook. Pure Bliss. But this isn’t about me.
Anyways, notebooks are always good to stock up on during back to school time. I have found that the price of notebooks goes up dramatically after back to school season. That makes summer the best time to stock up for school and home.
If they haven’t already, your student will likely need their own pair of headphones. This pair is super affordable and durable to handle even the roughest and toughest kindergarteners. It also comes in several other colors.
Undoubtedly, back to school time will be stressful this year. Preparing early will help reduce some of that stress and uncertainty.
Kids not heading back? Check out how to work from home with kids.
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