How to Avoid Office Gossip Like the Plague That It Is
Office gossip is like a wild night out. In the moment it always seems like a fun time. It is exhilarating, feels good, and can even make you feel closer to the people partying the night away with you. However, when the morning comes all you are with is a bad headache, a sense of regret, and relationships to repair.
Office gossip is a cancer to workplaces across the world and should be avoided at all costs. Unless you want to ruin your career and taint your workplace, check out these tips for how to effectively avoid office gossip.
Avoid Discretely
The most obvious way to shut down gossip is to shut it down directly by saying something like “I’m not comfortable discussing Sally with you.” While this is the most mature approach, you will likely annoy and infuriate the gossiper. They would then likely start gossiping about you. So while practical, this direct avoidance may not work out for you in reality.
Have a Positive Mindset
When you have a positive mindset you naturally look for ways to reinforce that mindset and avoid things that detract from it, like office gossip. Look for ways you can build and maintain a positive mindset. One tactic I use is positive affirmations. Affirmations are especially helpful on those days when it is harder to maintain a positive mindset.
Change the Subject
One way to avoid gossip discretely is by changing the subject. If someone starts gossiping to you, look for an opportunity to change the subject and maintain ownership of the conversation. A strategy I have used is to ask a work related question like it just popped up in your head. If Mary from accounting starts talking about your boss’s divorce pretend like you just remembered something “Oh wow, I haven’t heard that. Before I forget Mary, do you know when we need to get those TPS reports in? I can’t remember” Then try to exit the conversation as quickly as you can.
Avoid the Gossipers
It is pretty quick to identify who the guilty gossipers are. Once you spot them, try to avoid situations where gossiping can occur. Sometimes this means avoiding alone time with someone that is a known gossiper, as they seldom gossip in front of others. Try to make sure that you avoid being alone and always have someone with you. This will make it more difficult for them to gossip in front of you.
Avoid Places Where Gossiping Occurs
Sometimes, a place gets synonymous with office gossip. Avoid gossip by avoiding these gossip hotspots. For example, if you see that the break room is a breeding ground for gossip and complaining, try to avoid the break room. This may be difficult, but at least avoid times when gossip is likely to occur. For example, if Karen and fellow gossipers take lunch at 11am, try to take your lunch at noon.
Say Something Positive
If you find yourself in a situation where others are gossiping, try to insert something positive into the situation. If folks are talking about a coworker being crabby, say something like “I wonder if things are going okay at home. She normally responds so well to stress. We should look for ways to help her.” This type of statement cuts off gossipers and shifts the conversation.
Never Spread Gossip
Finally, never spread gossip. No matter how salacious it is, avoid repeating anything you hear. You never know what is true and spreading information can really hurt people. It can also hurt you. The label of “office gossiper” can be hard to shake so just refrain from earning yourself that designation. However, if you feel that it is information essential that your company know (ie. someone doing drugs at work, someone embezzling, etc.) try to get as much information as you can and go to HR. If you don’t have an HR department, go to your immediate supervisor. Whatever you do, don’t talk about it with anyone else other than HR or your boss.
My overall guidance would be to take a Switzerland like stance and avoid gossip. If you do get tempted to confide in someone, remember that everybody has a best friend.
What are your tips to avoid office gossip? Have you ever experienced office gossip? If so, what did you do? Leave a comment below.
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