Affirmations for Presentations
Glassophobia is the fear of public speaking and a lot of us have it. In fact, up to 75% of us have it. Even the most successful CEO still gets nervous sometimes when presenting to a large group.
Using affirmations for presentations and public speaking is a great way to overcome the fear of public speaking. Repeating a few of these affirmations before a big presentation can help calm your nerves and improve your confidence.
Check out 30 Powerful Affirmations for Work and Affirmations for Stressful Days.
Positive Affirmations for Presentations & Public Speaking
I am a calm and confident public speaker.
I enjoy public speaking.
I am fearless when speaking to a large crowd.
I have a great voice for public speaking and come off knowledgeable and confident.
Words and thoughts come effortlessly to me.
I am fearless.
I am excited and positive about this presentation.
Giving this presentation will be fun and exciting.
I am an engaging speaker and people enjoy listening to me speak.
I can clearly communicate the vision to my audience.
I understand this material and concepts.
I can confidently answer questions that are presented.
There is not a question that I can’t answer confidently.
I am prepared for any question or piece of feedback that I will receive today.
My audience will appreciate this information that I am going to share.
The material will be well received and appreciated.
I am making a difference in my company by sharing this information.
I am the best person to share this information with my audience.
My presentation will invoke action from the audience.
My audience will feel inspired and ready to take action after my presentation.
Are you afraid of PUBLIC SPEAKING? What helps you before you give a big presentation? Leave a comment below!
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