8 Tips to Maximize Productivity When You Work From Home
Working from home has its advantages. You couldn’t ask for a better commute, you don’t have to worry about packing a lunch, you can get housework done between conference calls, and you save money on commute related expenses.
While working from home is proving itself to be the optimal working arrangement for employees and employers, it does pose challenges. It can be difficult to stay focused when you have distractions so close by.
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Here are 8 tips to maximize your productivity when you work from home.
Start Early
It can be really challenging to get your day started when you work from home. The best thing you can do is get your day started as early as possible. The time spent working before others are up and running is invaluable. That distraction-free time is sacred and should be taken advantage of. It also helps you get motivated and started with your day rather than laying in bed a little too long.
Shower & Get Dressed
I always laugh when people say that they get dressed in full business attire when they work from home. My first thought is always, “Sure you do, Brenda”. I know I am not about to put on a dress and hose to sit at my kitchen table all day. Nope. However, there are some real benefits from getting up, showering, and putting yourself together a bit before starting your day (even if it is just putting on your dress sweat pants rather than your sleep sweatpants). Getting yourself ready shifts your mindset, improves your confidence, and provides motivation for the day.
Have a Plan
Everyone regardless of where they work should spend the first twenty minutes planning their day and prioritizing what needs to get done. This is especially true if you are working from home. It is too easy to get distracted so it is essential that you have a solid and detailed plan for the day.
For me, I have to write things down with a pen and paper. Every morning, the very first thing I do is look at my calendar and write down what tasks I must get done ranked in priority. I then block time out on my calendar to complete those items. Having a plan and sticking to it will keep you productive while working from home.
Identify a Dedicated Workspace
It’s important that you have a dedicated space for work. This space should be comfortable, distraction-free If you have a home office, great. If you don’t have a home office you may need to get creative. Guest rooms work great, dens, dining rooms, or even the basement. I have even had coworkers set up their office space in their garage. It doesn’t matter where the workspace is as long as it is comfortable for you and limits distractions.
Eliminate Distractions
Speaking of distractions, eliminate them as much as possible. There is nothing worse than sitting on a conference call and the doorbell rings that set off mass chaos inside your home with doorbells ringing, dogs barking, kids running to the door. We have all been there. If you are going to be important phone calls, put a note on the doorbell to not ring it. Train your dogs and kids to be as silent as possible when you are working. If noises are inevitable invest in a white noise machine or noise-canceling headphones for your office. It provides some background noise and will hopefully drown out the sounds of your kids screaming at each other in the other room.
Eat Healthy
Working from home provides endless opportunities to snack. For some, it is easier to eat healthy at home because they have fresh fruits and veggies available. For me, it is too easy to eat those fresh fruits and veggies along with a tub of hummus and pita bread. You will have to be disciplined when it comes to snacking. Try keeping a set “lunch” time that you eat and prepare your meals as you would if you were going into the office. Limit your time in the kitchen and minimize unhealthy snacks in the home.
Pomodoro It Up
Pomodoro is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into 25-minute intervals. In between, you take a short five-minute break. This technique works wonders for me. I am so focused because I know I only have 25 minutes to complete a task. I find myself busting ass during these intervals. Afterward, I am able to take a quick break and throw a load of laundry in, take a quick walk, or just sit on my couch completely guilt-free. Read more about the Pomodoro technique here.
Hold Regular Hours
It can be tempting when you work from home to blend work hours and home hours. I know when I am working from home it easy to keep your computer up and running throughout the night. This is not a good idea because it can lead to burning out pretty quickly. Setting and adhering to standard work hours helps you avoid this. Try to stick to the same work schedule and respect those boundaries. Limit work during personal time and limit personal time during your work hours.
Working from home is a fantastic solution for many people. You just have to be strategic and intentional to maximize your effectiveness. What is your work from home strategy? What techniques have you found that help you be more productive when you work from home? Leave a comment below!
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