5 Super Simple Ways to Make your Habits Stick
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“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”- Jim Ryun
We all start the new year with dreams of starting new healthy and productive habits. However, life happens and many of those commitments that we made to ourselves… well they don’t stick very long.
How we do ensure that our habits DO stick? Luckily, there are some super simple tricks to ensure that we keep our promises to ourselves and ensure that our habits stick!
Here are some tips if you need habit tuneup:
#1- Start small
One of the easiest ways to make sure that are our habits stick is to start with small habits. Don’t set out to exercise 60 minutes a day unless you are absolutely certain without hesitation that you can commit to that. Setting yourself up for failure will only end in you getting frustrated, burnt out, and not believing in yourself.
Rather, you should start out with a more realistic goal such as “I will exercise for 15 minutes a day”. This is attainable. Anyone can find 15 minutes in their day to get some exercise in (even if it is just walking around the block). Setting a smaller goal will ensure that you can actually do it. These small early wins are powerful. Success breeds success so meeting these smaller goals gives you fuel to tackle larger ones as you go.
Having a lofty goal is great, but having a realistic plan to achieve your goal is even better.
#2- Habit Stack
Attach your habit to an existing habit. For example, if you want to learn Spanish, review your Spanish words every morning while you are drinking you cup of coffee. Attaching your Spanish work to an existing habit will make it much easier to remember. I’ve started putting my gratitude journal in my bathroom. While I am drying my hair each morning, I fill out my daily gratitude journal. It’s really easy to remember since I’m already there to dry my hair anyways. If you have been struggling with a habit, try to attach it to a habit that is already well established.
#3- Make it Pleasurable
Another very effective way to make sure that habits stick is to attach your habit to something that you enjoy doing. It will be like a mini-reward for doing the habit. For example, if you love Grey’s Anatomy, tell yourself that you can ONLY watch Grey’s Anatomy while you are walking on the treadmill. You will find yourself actually looking forward to exercising because you get to watch your favorite show. If you need to do some computer work, sit down and do it while you are enjoying your morning cup of coffee. Making the habit as fun and enjoyable as possible will go far in ensuring it sticks.
#4 Commit to 30 Days
You can do just about anything for 30 days. Promise yourself that you will stick to the habit for 30 days.That’s it, just 30 days. After the 30 days you have full permission to reevaluate. Chances are once you hit the 30 day mark you will keep going as it has already become a habit at this point.
Consider this example- It’s a cold and rainy day. You really don’t want to leave the house to go the gym but you tell yourself that you just need to workout for 20 minutes. That’s it. Only 20 minutes. But once you get there and you start working out you feel really good. You end up staying for two hours, well past your original commitment. Same concept applied here. Once you start making progress and seeing success, you will likely keep at it and extend your commitment.
#5 Make It Insanely Easy to Follow Through
Another hack to make sure that your habits stick is to remove any potential barrier to completing your habit and make it as easy as possible to complete your habit. If your goal is to exercise every day after work, make sure that your workout bag is packed and in the car before you leave everyday. If you want to read 20 books this year, make sure that you have a book with you everywhere you go.
Invest in things that make your habit easier. Remove physical and digital barriers to completing your habit. Look for any possible way to make it easier to complete your habit.
Those are a few tips that I have found to really help in making my habits stick. If you want to learn more about habits, I highly recommend that you read Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book was an absolute game changer for me and made me rethink how I approach goals and habits. It’s on my must read list for anyone that I work with. Right now, if you sign up for an Audible free trial you can read the audiobook version for free!
Let’s hear from you! What have you done to ensure your habits stick?
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